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Spartans News

SG Basketball: No Pain, No Gain

By Erik Van Dyke
Saturday, December 2, 2023, the CAIS Tournament in Winnipeg. Not only was that the last basketball game your Spartans played before this past Thursday’s RSEQ trip to Le Boise in Victoriaville; that was also the last day the whole team even practiced together. 12年级的学生一从中国ManBet手机客户端学院回来,就开始准备考试.e. no athletics, just studying.
Which means our four Grade 12s didn’t touch a basketball for five and a half weeks(!) before the two practices we squeezed in before this Boise game.
从12月19日起,我们的非12年级学生也完全放假了.e. three weeks ago. Meaning 21 straight days of turkey, ham, potatoes, stuffing and dessert, balanced by a heaping helping of absolutely no exercise.
Why the above summary? Because, man oh man, are we out of shape.
在周四,我们花了大约4分钟的比赛时间来看起来很累. By the second quarter, we weren’t fast breaking anymore. 尽管中场休息了10分钟,但我们在第三节还是一样疲惫,一样缓慢. No offensive rebounds, no 50/50 wins. Our opponents looked quick and crisp, 当我们喘着粗气,在流沙中奔跑时,我们以33比24输掉了比赛.
There were a few bright spots. Hayley Wolfe played an intelligent game, keeping the team organized offensively, defensively and on inbounds plays. Majo Garza 最后时刻他投了一个三分,紧接着抢断. And Player Of The Game Valerie Lin was a disruptive buzzsaw on defence, 以林式的速度和强度踢球,并在传球时挡转出林式的传球.
也就是说,我们知道在接下来的一段时间里我们的新年决心是什么——健身. Strategy means nothing if you’re not fit. 如果你不能在球场上上下冲刺,不能以速度和力量打球,那么X和O就不能帮助你. If you’re not in shape, you get tired quickly. When you’re tired, you’re slow and weak. When you’re slow and weak, it’s hard to try your best. 如果你不能全力以赴,简单的事情就会变得困难,而困难的事情就会变得不可能.
好消息是我们只需要回顾五周半的时间, 感谢我们在CAIS半决赛对阵LCC的那场精彩比赛,让我们看到了我们的实力. We know how hard and how well we can play. We just need to get back in shape so we can get back to that.

- Coach Van Dyke